This is what I called a fun knitting class. This is one of my workshop that I've done. It was on Festival Rajut Indonesia that held on July 2011. In this session I had 5 students. Most of them are older than me, but that's okay, because somehow we felt really comfortable with each other. Chat like girl friends, discussed the difficult pattern or just laughed about jokes. Those three full hours felt like just several minutes.
Recently I'm opening my own knitting class here near my house. It is fun giving your knowledge to one another. Not only me giving them a lesson,but in fact they're giving much more to me. I got to know many people, many type of learning process, unique knitting technique, discovering a knitting prodigy, etc.
With these classes I've got more and more experience along the way. I hope that one day I can publish my own Indonesia knitting book for Indonesian knitting freak like me ^_^.
The problem that I found these days is that not many Indonesian knitting books were really appealing. I mean, they are really qualified in content but they're not really good in the case of layouts and photos. So as a graphic designer slash knit slave, I really want to contribute my knowledge to others by giving them a really well design knitting books, in Indonesian languae of course.
Wish me luck!!